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Cardinal Nicholas of Rouen by Tommaso Da Modena - Canvas Art Print
Icon from the Deesis Tier by Theophanes the Greek - Canvas Art Print
Rediscovery of the Relics of St Mark by Paolo Veneziano - Canvas Art Print
Polyptych (detail) by Paolo Veneziano - Canvas Art Print
A Scene from the Life of St Mark by Paolo Veneziano - Canvas Art Print
St John the Evangelist by Nardo Di Cione - Canvas Art Print
St John the Evangelist (detail) by Nardo Di Cione - Canvas Art Print
Lion Polyptych (detail) by Lorenzo Veneziano - Canvas Art Print
St Mary Magdalen (detail) by Lippo Memmi - Canvas Art Print
Massacre of the Innocents by Guido Da siena - Canvas Art Print
Annunciation by Guido Da siena - Canvas Art Print
The Mother of God of Passion by Andreas Ritzos - Canvas Art Print
The Mother of God Enthroned by Andreas Ritzos - Canvas Art Print
Mother of God Enthroned by Andreas Ritzos - Canvas Art Print